Eat for Healthy Hair
Is it possible to eat our way to healthy hair?
Yes. With hair, the effects of diet may take months to show, unlike our skin which only takes days. So to eat our way to healthier hair, we must be persistent with our healthy diet and habits.
Before we talk about foods, let’s take a look at our habits; smoking, excessive alcohol, sedentary lifestyle, sleep deprivation can all affect the way our hair look and feel. So it is important to improve our overall lifestyle too.
What nutrients do we need for our hair?
Protein: the essential building blocks for hair
Omega 3 Fatty acids: about 3% of the hair shaft is made of fatty acids, and fatty acids help promote natural scalp oils keeping the hair shinny and the scalp healthy.
Iron: Iron is especially important. It helps cells carry oxygen to the hair follicles, and too little iron is a cause of hair loss.
Zinc: Zinc is used to regulate hormones that can have a direct effect on the thickness and growth of your hair. It can slow hair loss and thinning. Having enough zinc in your diet will make sure your hair is protected.
Selenium: This important mineral is vital for the health of your scalp, and it therefore decreases the likelihood of you getting dandruff.
Group B vitamins: Lack of vitamin B6 in the diet has been attributed to hair thinning and hair loss. This important B vitamin is responsible for helping the body absorb the nutrients it receives from the food we eat. And biotin, another important vitamin B, can improve the hairs strength against breakages.
Carbohydrates will provide the energy that protein needs to promote hair growth.
Vitamins A & C: helps keep hair shinny by promoting healthy scalp oils. Vitamin C can prevent hair breakages.
So which foods?
Here are some suggestions:
Dairy: milk, cheese, yoghurt are good protein sources, and have a rich supply of calcium too. The low fat varieties will ensure we get those nutrients without the bulge!!
Fish: salmon, mackerel, sardines are examples of fish sources of omega 3 fatty acid.
Wholegrain: zinc, group B vitamins and iron
Nuts: walnuts, cashews and pecans are packed with zinc and selenium. All you need is a handful a day.
Beans: are rich in zinc, proteins, and biotin.
Eggs: are a good source of protein, biotin and vitamin B12.
Dark green vegetables: such as broccoli, spinach are packed with iron, calcium, vitamin A and C
Poultry: protein and iron
Oysters: zinc
Bananas: vitamin B6
Brown rice: protein and vitamin B
Blueberries: a super food with antioxidants and rich in vitamin C.
In general, having a diet full of fresh natural produce, such as fruits and vegetable is vital for health. The foods to avoid are the processed foods. So, give it a go, do something today that your tomorrow-self will thank you for. Happy Eating!!